COVID-19 Vaccinations

Latest Information

Almost all of our patients in groups 1 to 4 have now received their first vaccination.

We are being asked to focus efforts on inviting group 5 and group 6.

Group 5 (those aged 65–69) will be receiving an invitation from the national booking service to attend a vaccination centre or community pharmacy setting. Patients may also receive an invite direct from the Friarage Hospital Northallerton vaccination hub. For patients in group 5 it is a personal choice – if you are willing to travel to a vaccination centre for both vaccinations you can book appointments, otherwise please wait to be contacted by the practice.

Group 6 is a large and complicated group of patients which includes those aged 16–64 who have an underlying health condition recorded in their medical records.

These groups are going to be invited in age order, starting with the oldest.

We are inviting by text message where possible, otherwise we will call you. Please don’t call us to check if you’re in these groups as our phone lines will be overwhelmed.


Currently timescales are unclear and depend on when our deliveries come.

For those awaiting confirmation of appointments for their second dose, we will provide these as soon as confirmation of deliveries is received.

We are continuing to offer patient vaccinations at our Vaccination Centre situated at Tennants Auction Centre, Harmby Road, Leyburn, DL8 5SG. Patients who receive their first dose of vaccine at Tennants will also be given an appointment for their second dose at Tennants. Your GP practice has access to the appointment information and will contact you should any changes become necessary.

Some patients will receive a letter inviting them to book a vaccination appointment at one of the mass vaccination centres which are being set up by the Government. If you already have an appointment for your first or second dose at Tennants, we would ask you to disregard this letter and keep your appointment at Tennants. If you have not yet been offered an appointment at Tennants, you may wish to take up the offer of an appointment at a mass vaccination centre. This is your choice. However, if you decide that attending Tennants is more convenient for you, simply disregard the letter and rest assured that your GP practice will contact you in due course to offer you a vaccination appointment at Tennants.

All practices within Richmondshire (Leyburn Medical Practice, Harewood Medical Practice, Central Dales, Quakers Lane Surgery, The Friary Surgery, Catterick Village and Colburn Surgery, Reeth Medical Practice, Scorton Medical Practice and Doctors Lane Surgery Aldbrough St John) are working together to be able to deliver the COVID-19 vaccines to all those eligible as soon as we can.

Vaccination Site

The vaccination site is Tennants Auctioneers, The Auction Centre, Harmby Road, Leyburn, DL8 5SG

Parking is free and disabled parking is available.

Vaccination is by invitation only based on government criteria and we will contact you when it’s your turn to be vaccinated. If you haven’t received an invite yet don’t worry – we will let you know when it’s your turn to have the vaccine. Please do not ring the surgery for an update as we cannot provide any further details and calling us about the vaccine may stop someone getting through who needs urgent medical help.